Nomex IIIA flame retardant fabric
Meta aramid (Nomex) characterized by good fire resistance and high strength. properties of meta aramid at a temperature of 250 degrees the materiasl can keep stable for a long time.
Meta aramid (Nomex) fabric;
1. No melt or drop with flames and no toxic gas release
2. Better anti-static performance with conductive fibers
3. High resistance to chemical reagents
4. High wear resistance, tear resistance and intensity
5. Fabric will get thicker when burning and enhance sealability and no broken.
6. Good air permeability and light weight
7. Good mechanical property and laundering durability with no color fading or shrinkage.
meta aramid yarn
Meta aramid (Nomex) characterized by good fire resistance and high strength. properties of meta aramid at a temperature of 250 degrees the materiasl can keep stable for a long time.
Meta aramid yarn composition: 100% meta-aramid yarn, 95% meta-aramid+5%para-aramid, 93%meta-aramid+5%para-aramid+2%antistatic,contents meta aramid +flame retardant viscose 70+30/60+40/50+50,meta aramid+ modacrylic+ cotton etc,yarns count and flame retardant fibers can be specified by customer.
Color: raw white, fiber dope dyeing and yarn dyeing.
All flame re fibers can be mixed with any multi-component, with tight spinning, Siro spinning, Siro tight spinning, air spinning, bamboojoint device.
flame retardant yarn
Raw white meta aramid 40S 32S 24S 18.5S
Meta Aramid 98 percents / yarn dyed orange red conductive fiber 35S/2
Meta Aramid 95/ para aramid 5 35S/2
Meta aramid raw white 50 percents / raw white polyester 50 32S/2
Meta aramid raw white 50 percents/ Lanzin raw white viscose 50 percents 35S/2
Baldron 20/ Flame-retardant Vinylon 60/ Lanzin flame-retardant viscose 20 21.5S
Navy blue meta aramid 93 percents / para aramid bright black aramid 5 percents / conductive fiber 2 percents 45S/2
Navy blue meta aramid 93 percents /para aramid 5 percents / carbon conductive 2 percents 35S/2
Flame retardant Vinylon 34 percents / meta aramid 20 percents / Baldron 16 percents / Lanzing flame retardant adhesive 14 36S
Flame retardant Vinylon 34 percents / Aramid 20 percents / Baldron 16 percents / Lanzing flame retardant adhesive 14 45S
Japan C-type nitrile nylon 60 percents / Lanin flame retardant viscose 27 percents / para-aramid 10 percents / transparent conductive fiber 3 30S
Navy blue meta aramid 49 percents / lanzin white viscose 49 percents / gray conductive fiber 2 percents 26S/2
Flame retardant Vinylon 34/ Aramid 20/ Baldron 16/ Lanzin flame retardant viscose 30 36S -
Silver fiber knitted socks
Silver Fiber Yarn 18%
Cotton 51%
Polyester 28%
Spandex 3%
Weight of 41g/pair